Welcome to WAVA Clubs! Our Clubs are held virtually through links below or found on the OLS. Clubs begin in October and meet weekly through May. See Schedule Below.
WAVA Clubs Begin in October
*No club meetings on No School Days and Holiday/Breaks
Open Now: WAVA Zone is open M-F, 12-4pm for all students K-8, National for 9-12
Access through your OLS
Starting in October: Questions, contact Hailey Chamberlain, hchamberlain@wava.org, hchamberlain@K12.com
WAVA Clubs Include:
Baking, Thursdays, 2pm link
Art K-5, Tuesdays, 2:30pm link
Art MS/HS, Wednesdays, 2:30pm link
Music K-5, 2nd Wednesday of the Month, 3pm, link coming soon
Music 6-12th, 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 3pm, link coming soon
Dungeons and Dragons HS, Wednesdays, 4pm, link
Dungeons and Dragons MS, Tuesdays, 3pm link
Fitness K-12, Tuesdays, 2pm, link
Book Club 9-12, Fridays, 1pm link
GLSEN K-12, Mondays, 3pm, link
ASB MS, Tuesdays 12pm (starting October 15th), link
ASB HS, Tuesdays, 8:15-9am Class Connect
Competitive Esports League (age 13 and up) Tuesdays 12pm, link
Competitive Robotics Team (4th grade and up) *sign-ups begin in Nov/Dec
CTSO Clubs through our CTE (grades 7th and up) *email tkreilmann@wava.org
K12 National Clubs can include a variety of options throughout the year
Visit online to find out what is currently offered: https://www.k12.com/extracurricular-activities/ (clubs vary throughout the year)
K12 Club Questions, clubs@K12.com, enrichment@stridelearning.com
National Clubs are for students from all over K12
National Clubs can include: Music, Theater, Minecraft, Cooking, Lego, Coding and more!
Competitions and Contests: